Paruna News
PPA has approached Loxton Waikerie Council for permission to erect a mural from the former BWDAS in the Pocock Playground.
The wall was donated to PPA by a former pupil as a tribute to the children of the district.
Please provide information by the 1st of each month – publication will be mid month.
Contact Pauline Flavel at
Despite a rocky start the football and netball season is in full swing with varying successes for our teams.
Rabbit baiting in the Paruna township area has been completed. Both the ovals and bowling green have benefitted from this program.
Paruna has been humming with visitors over the last few months with a 4 day family reunion held at the Sports Complex over Easter and the caravan park well patronised.
There is also an increase in the number of 4-wheel drive groups making trips into National Parks in the area. And no – you won’t find a hamburger joint (or ice-cream) in Paruna.
Please provide information by the 1st of each month – publication will be mid month.
Contact Pauline Flavel at
PPA is also looking at the redevelopment of the S & A Pocock Playground in the town centre.
The playground is currently a real eye-sore and broken equipment needs to be removed for safety reasons. The area also needs to be cleaned and weeded. Council will be approached for assistance with items like wood chip to suppress weeds.
Several ideas are being investigated for better use of the area that will provide recreational facilities to the community and its visitors.
Please provide information by the 1st of each month – publication will be mid month.
Contact Pauline Flavel at
PPA is in the process of establishing its own internet site and hope to have it up and running shortly.
Initially the focus will be advertising the caravan park but later will to expanded it to cover all aspects of community life in Browns Well.
The site will also provide up -to-date information on services and facilities in the area to avoid the situation of visitors relying on current website information for long closed petrol outlets, meals and sporting facilities.
Please provide information by the 1st of each month – publication will be mid month.
Contact Pauline Flavel at